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These identifiers were less than satisfactory. In the past, census methods to identify respondents of Spanish origin included identification based on Spanish surname, use of Spanish language at home, and respondent’s birthplace or birthplace of parents (Bean and Tienda, 1987). The “Hispanic” population includes Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and those of other Hispanic origin or descent (U.S. The 1970 Census introduced self-identification for persons of Spanish Renewed pride in American Indian heritage among many who earlier had identified themselves with some group other than American Indian (often White) led to the increased numbers of American Indians. Between 19, the size of the American Indian population tripled (Nagel, 1996 Eschbach, 1993), an increase far beyond what was generated by either migration or births. An issue that has a pronounced impact on the analysis of trends among American Indians is the USBC change to self-identification.

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Published information on American Indians from 1970 onward sometimes includes data for Eskimo and Aleut populations as Alaska Natives. Currently, the census asks those who identify themselves as American Indians to write in their tribal affiliation. Prior to that, only Indians who paid taxes were enumerated, but they were not distinguished racially from the rest of the population. The 1870 Census included American Indians as a separate racial group. Another complication for analysis is the fact that Asians do not appear in vital statistics publications until recently. For example, most published tabulations of 1990 data on race report for the umbrella category of Asian and Pacific Islander, not each of the nine ethnic groups. By 1990, nine ethnic groups were listed under Asians and Pacific Islanders (API)-Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Hawaiian, Samoan, Korean, Guamanian, and Vietnamese-as well as an “Other API” option with a blank for identifying “Other.” Trend analysis is further complicated by the fact that statistics released by USBC do not always mirror actual census classification USBC combines some categories for ease of reporting. Other Asian categories were added along the way-Korean in 1940 and Vietnamese and Asian Indian in 1980. In censuses of the late 1800s and early 1900s, three Asian groups were typically represented-Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino. The 1890 Census divided Blacks thus: Black described those who had “three-fourths or more Black blood” mulatto, those who had “three-eighths to five-eighths Black blood” quadroon, “one-fourth Black blood” and octoroon, “one-eighth or any trace of Black blood.” Terms used for a Black person changed from “slave,” to “colored person,” to “Negro,” to “Black.” The 2000 Census used “Black/ African American.”įor Asians, the history of classification is as complicated. The word is here generic, and includes quadroons, octoroons, and all persons having any perceptible trace of African blood” (U.S. In 1870, “mulatto” was added census enumerators were instructed to “…be particularly careful in reporting the class Mulatto.

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Classification options for race were only “free White persons, slaves, or all other free persons.” Later a category for “free colored persons” was added. Initially, slave status was used as a proxy for a racial category for Black Americans. Bureau of the Census (USBC), and estimates of international migration come from the Immigration and Naturalization Services and USBC. Estimates of internal migration come from the U.S. To estimate marriage, fertility, and mortality rates, demographers use the national vital statistics records of births, marriages, and deaths. decennial census and annual Current Population Surveys (CPS). To enumerate racial and ethnic groups, demographers rely on the U.S. Racial and ethnic categories are the ones used by the federal government. Consequently, this overview is selective, covering what we feel are the most important trends-population composition and growth, fertility, family, mortality, and migration. Provided here is an overview of major demographic trends for racial and ethnic groups in the United States over the past 50 or so years- a daunting undertaking for one paper, given the variety of groups and topics addressed. Gary D.Sandefur, Molly Martin, Jennifer Eggerling-Boeck, Susan E.Mannon, and Ann M.Meier An Overview of Racial and Ethnic Demographic Trends

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